

We'll write for you,
in your voice,
customized to reach
your audience.

We know how intimidating a blank screen or an empty yellow pad can be. Writing isn’t as easy as many people think it is, especially when you don’t know how to begin.

Even if you know what you want to say, it’s almost impossible to carve out the time to get it done, and done well.

That’s where we come in.

What Are You Struggling to Write?

We have decades of combined experience
crafting messages that captivate audiences.
We’d like to help you write your story, too.

We'll Help Write Your Book

We work with you to collect your ideas, stories, and insights, often through interviews. Then we organize, write, and edit that content and help you get it published as a print, e-book, or audiobook... often within six months.

We're Book Doctors

If you need someone to read your manuscript and tell you it's great, send it to your mother. But if you want an honest assessment of its strengths and weaknesses, send it to us. We'll help fix it and get it ready to publish.

We're Editors, Too

We offer structural, stylistic, and copy editing for completed manuscripts (that we did not help you write). Basically, after we review your work we find and fix the problems to prepare it for publishing.

And we write more than just best-selling books!

Video Scripting

We learn what you want to accomplish and then we create a compelling script (or an entire video) that'll move your audience to action.


We'll listen to your ideas, then wordsmith your keynote speech, design and create your slide deck, and train you to deliver it like a pro.

Social Media

We'll help you create your social strategy, and then write, design, and schedule the posts to spread your message and build your following.

Writer at computer needing help from professional wordsmiths

How your book gets written...


Meet with us

We want to hear your message, determine if we believe we can tell it well, and see if we click (do you want to work with us, and vice versa).



We put the specifics of our partnership in writing, and then together we start the process of creating your book, using your message in your voice.


Listen, write, meet, edit, & repeat.

You provide input, we write, then we meet to discuss the work and your vision. We’ll tweak as needed, then start the next chapter.



If you keep at it, do the work and don’t flake out, before long (often within six months) your book will be finished and you’ll be a real author!

about us...

We are award-winning professional writers with a track record of wordsmithing ideas into bestselling books.

wordsmiths.pro founders, Kathleen & Joseph Sindorf, on stage delivering a keynote speech for a large national conference of creative professionals

But please don’t get the idea that we somehow write your book for you while you go off to enjoy a vacation. 

You are the author—the ideas and content that form the core of your book must come from you. We are the writers—we take your concepts and transform them into compelling, page-turning literature. That process requires an active partnership in order to result in an effective collaboration and a really good book.

“Sem pulvinar eget odio a magna sagittis, a semper sem malesuada quam nunc volutpat tincidunt in aliquam vel nibh rhoncus.”
Signature of professional wordsmiths Joseph & Kathleen Sindorf

What Our Clients Say...

Without your nudging, encouragement, and hard work, this book may have never been written.”
Bill MCkendry
Do More Good
Though we talked for years about writing this book, we didn't make any real progress until we asked Joe and Kathy Sindorf to collaborate with us in writing it. Their unique combination of skills were the perfect complement to our hopes for the book.”
Florence Muindi &
Charlie VitTitow
Teach A Man To Fish
Joe and Kathy Sindorf, thank you for partnering with me to transform my words into the magic you now hold in your hands.”
Mickey Carolan
Mom Dad Not Hear
Kathy Sindorf was the energy-source and motivator to get this project off the ground. She kept me on task when I found other projects I needed to undertake (or, perhaps, merely preferred to do).”
Kurt Dillinger
The God Who Breathes


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